Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What needs done this week

Or if you are unfamiliar with the parlance of middle Ohio: What needs to be done this week.

Really, the biggest thing right now is mulching. Since no on has donated any straw, I think newspapers are our best bet. There is a small bag of them in the blue plastic bin by the front door of the church. If you can bring your own, even better. You can just tuck the pages in under the drip tape and weed barrier. My might want to avoid the row of beans that has not been mulched since I added some seeds that might not have come up yet.. Otherwise, the tomatoes and peppers, even though they already have straw, could use some newspaper to cover up the edges and in between plants.

There will be a work night Thursday. I'll be at church but will be inside if anyone has any questions.

Sunday will be more mulching, weeding, finishing the deer fence, and putting up the trellis for the tomatoes and beans.

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