Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday work recap (7/17): Trellises are up

It was so hot in the garden that I waited about an hour to head out and work. The evening actually turned out pretty nice and I was able to get a lot done. In particular, I set up two trellises: one for the pole beans and one for some tomatoes that didn't have cages. They went in very easily and I think they will be something we can use for years to come. I got the idea for it here, if anyone else wants to try it. I used some fence posts we had laying around instead of bamboo poles and twine for the beans to climb. I'll add another couple layers later.

It made me think about how much I've learned working in the garden. I really didn't know anything about gardening when I started (and still don't know very much). But by trying things, and learning what works, I've made a lot of progress. For anyone who is interested in trying their own hand at it, this should give you hope. It doesn't take know-how, just a willingness to try.

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